The Zoo is Open! We have made a few operational changes to help promote health and safety. Scroll down to see the specifics, or click here to be redirected to our Facebook page!
Concord Zoo
Zoo Operational Changes
Do NOT litter!
Limit touching of Zoo surfaces and do not congregate on property
Keep a 6 foot distance from other visiting parties
Grain dispensers are non-operational, but you can still pick up cones or carrots from inside the Store
Please do NOT bring in outside food for the animals! If the animals eat food that is not bought within the Zoo or at the store, we are unable to monitor how much and what treats they are receiving-putting them at risk.
Zoo Hours: 9am to 5 pm
Visitor Capacity: 20 people
goats?alpacas?miniature horses? of my!
Established in 2005, the Concord Zoo has provided a sanctuary for animals from all different walks of life. Concord Zoo provides you the opportunity to reconnect with nature and animals. Plus, the best part is it’s free!
There are many different animals residing at the zoo-this is the current list:
Miniature Horses
Interested in contributing?
Concord Zoo runs off its patron’s generous donations. Please consider donating to the Zoo next time you stop by to see the animals.